With this video we are launching a new themed channel, Your Pharmacist Informs, focused on the world
With this video we are launching a new themed channel, Your Pharmacist Informs, focused on the world of vaccines. This is a monthly initiative to publish video-advice on different topics related to vaccination.
The purpose of this video-advice channel is to provide robust, quality health information, backed by professional pharmacists. Consequently, you can educate people, especially given misinformation circulates on the Internet and in social networks.
The administration of any medication during pregnancy is especially controlled in order to protect both the mother and the fetus.
However, while the use of various medications is restricted, there are certain vaccines, such as influenza and pertussis, that not only can be administered, but are especially recommended during pregnancy.
In the case of influenza, infection increases the risk of complications during pregnancy: in the first term, it has been associated with an increased risk of cardiac malformations, cleft lip and neural tube defects, while during the second and third term, it increases the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery.
To the contrary, influenza vaccination is associated with a lower risk of severe respiratory disease in children of vaccinated mothers, including pneumonia, and also with a lower risk of the previous mentioned pregnancy complications.
During pregnancy, inactivated influenza vaccine is always administered.
The toxoid-based pertussis vaccine also protects the newborn from pertussis during the first three months of life. The administration of the so-called triple bacterial vaccine (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis-pertussis) is recommended even if the woman has been previously vaccinated against pertussis or has passed the disease.
On the other hand, vaccination only against tetanus and diphtheria is only recommended if the pregnant woman does not have the complete vaccination schedule.
On the other hand, if the level of risk recommends it, vaccines against COVID-19 based on messenger RNA technology could also be used.
In addition to the vaccines specifically recommended during pregnancy, there are risk situations that would advise the administration of additional vaccines. Some examples are:
o inactivated hepatitis A vaccines, in case of possible exposure to the virus.
o against rabies, if there is a risky contact, such as an animal bite;
o or against poliomyelitis, if traveling to endemic areas.
Other polysaccharide-based vaccines may also be indicated, such as the meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccines, or recombinant protein-based vaccines.
However, there are other vaccines that are not recommended or are even contraindicated at this stage. In general, the use of live attenuated virus vaccines in pregnancy is not recommended, such as the MMR (measles -mumps-rubella), the yellow fever vaccine or the oral typhoid vaccine.
Vaccination against human papillomavirus is also not recommended during pregnancy. The available data do not indicate an increased risk of malformations or harmful effects on pregnancy or embryo and fetal development after the administration of this vaccine, nevertheless more exhaustive data are required to come to conclusions on the convenience of its administration in pregnant women.
Remember, always ask your pharmacist. We will help you and resolve any doubts you may have about vaccines and their different types.
1. Calendario Común de Vacunación a lo largo de toda la vida. Calendario recomendado año 2023 en embarazadas [Internet]. Consejo Interterritorial Sistema Nacional de Salud [Acceso mayo 2023]. Disponible en: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/areas/promocionPrevencion/vacunaciones/calendario-y-coberturas/docs/CalendarioVacunacion_GRadultos.pdf.
2. Embarazo y vacunas. Vacunas en la mujer que planea un embarazo, en la gestante y durante la lactancia materna [Internet]. Asociación Española de Pediatría [Acceso mayo 2023]. Disponible en: https://vacunasaep.org/familias/embarazo-y-vacunas.
3. Limia A, Navarro JA, Armona JM. Mujeres en edad fértil, embarazadas y puerperio. En: Vacunas y Programa de Vacunación [Internet]. Ministerio de Sanidad [Acceso mayo 2023]. Disponible en: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/areas/promocionPrevencion/vacunaciones/programasDeVacunacion/embarazadas/mujeres/docs/Mujeres_edad_fertil_embarazadas_puerperio.pdf.